====== KeexyBox - Register to Captive Portal ====== If you try to access the Internet using a Wireless access point which uses KeexyBox as a captive portal, you should be automatically redirected to the KeexyBox captive portal page. If this is not the case, try to connect to it manually by following this [[using_connect_to_keexybox_interface|topic]]. If you do not have an account, you can create one by clicking on the ''Register'' link. {{:keexybox_screenshots:00_captive_portal_register.png?nolink&500|}} You are redirected the Register page. You have to complete the form and click on ''Register'' create your account . A ''Registration code'' can be required. To obtain it you must ask the owner of the access point to give it to you. {{:keexybox_screenshots:00_captive_portal_register_page.png?nolink&500|}}